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Pandemi maladi kowonaviris an 2020 nan Etazini

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Eta konsène :
* Dat orijin : depi 21 janvye 2020
* Ka konfime : 501 609
* Ka geri : 29 183
* Moun mouri : 18 777

Premye ka konfime maladi kowonaviris 2019 (COVID-19) nan Etazini te anonse sou 21 janvye 2020.

Sou 6 mas 2020, te gen omwen 236 ka konfime ak sispèk nan COVID-19 nan Etazini, ki gen ladan 14 lanmò.[1]

Sou 31 janvye 2020, gouvènman ameriken an te mande Ameriken yo ki te retounen soti nan peyi Lachin aprè vwayaje nan Hubei rete pou karantèn pandan 14 jou. Etazini yo entèdi antre nan ki pa Ameriken yo ki te vwayaje nan peyi Lachin pandan de (2) denyè semèn. Gouvènman Etazini an te evakye anplwaye li yo ak sitwayen li yo ki pa travay li nan Hubei ak bato a kwazyè Diamond Princess, nan karantèn nan Yokohama.

Otorite sanitè amerikèn, ki gen ladan Sant pou Kontwòl ak Prevansyon maladi, ap mande gouvènman lokal yo, konpayi yo ak lekòl yo devlope plan tankou anile reyinyon mas oswa chanje nan teletravay yo nan lòd yo dwe pare nan ka bezwen.[2],[3]


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Pou anpeche pwopagasyon kowonaviris la, CDC a rekòmande :

  • lave men ou souvan avèk savon ak dlo pandan omwen 20 segonn oswa itilize yon dezenfektan pou men (solisyon idwo-alkolik) (ki baze sou alkòl avèk omwen 60% alkòl si pa gen okenn savon oswa dlo),
  • evite manyen zye, nen ak bouch ou,
  • kouvri ou touse ak etènye,
  • rete lakay ou lè ou malad,
  • evite kontak avèk moun ki malad,
  • ak netwaye ak dezenfekte "objè souvan manyen ak sifas lè li sèvi avèk yon ayewosol oswa yon papye pou netwaye".[4]


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Miz ajou : 11 avril 2020

Eta Ka konfime Moun mouri Ka geri Ref
Alabama 2,838 78 0 [5]
Alaska 235 7 32 [6]
Samoa ameriken 0 0 0
Arizona 3,018 89 0 [7],[8]
Arkansas 1,202 24 329 [9]
Kalifòni 19,472 541 307 [10],[11]
Karolin dinò 3,651 65 0 [12]
Karolin disid 2,792 67 0 [13]
Kolorado 6,202 226 0 [14]
Konèktikòt 9,784 380 0 [15]
Dakota dinò 269 5 101 [16]
Dakota disid 447 6 161 [17]
Delawè 1,209 23 173 [18]
Distrik Kolonbya 1,523 32 393 [19],[20]
Florid 17,968 419 0 [21],[22]
Djòdji 11,483 416 0 [23]
Guam 130 4 41 [24]
Awayi 464 7 284 [25],[26]
Idaho 1,353 24 0 [27]
Ilinwa 17,887 596 0 [28]
Indiana 6,351 245 0 [29]
Iowa 1,270 29 476 [30]
Kansas 1,106 42 0 [31]
Kentucky 1,452 79 339 [32],[33]
Lwiziana 19,253 755 0 [34]
Maine 560 16 202 [35]
Maryland 6,185 138 376 [36]
Massachusetts 20,974 599 4,316 [37]
Michigàn 22,783 1,281 5 [38],[39][40]
Minesota 1,242 50 675 [41]
Misisipi 2,260 76 0 [42]
Misouri 3,539 77 0 [43],[44]
Montana 354 6 157 [45]
Nebraska 577 15 0 [46]
Nevada 2,456 86 0 [47]
Nou Anpchi 819 21 234 [48]
Nou Jèze 51,027 1,700 92 [49][50],[51]
Nou Meksiko 989 17 0 [52]
Nou Yòk 159,937 7,067 13,000 [53],[54]
Zile Maryana dinò 8 1 0 [55]
Il Vyèj amerikèn 50 1 43 0 [56]
Ohio 5,836 227 0 [57]
Oklahoma 1,684 80 0 [58]
Oregon 1,321 44 0 [59]
Pènsilvani 19,979 416 0 [60],[61]
Pòtoriko 683 33 0 [62]
Rod Aylann 1,727 43 0 [63]
Tennessee 4,634 94 921 [64]
Teksas 11,671 226 1,366 [65]
Utah 1,976 13 0 [66]
Vermont 628 23 0 [67]
Vijini 4,042 109 0 [68]
Vijini de Lwès 523 5 57 [69]
Wachintòn 9,608 446 0 [70]
Wiskonnsenn 2,885 111 0 [71],[72]
Wyoming 239 0 105 [73]
Total 456,676 16,422 30,577

Gade tou

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