Mas (planèt)
al gade paj ki genyen lis atik menm non yo. 

Mas (senbòl : ) se katryèm planèt nan sistèm solè.
Misyon nan lespas
[modifye | modifye kòd]- Phoenix : Yon misyon NASA ap mennen ak patisipasyon entènasyonal, tankou Kanada, Swis. Phoenix se yon wobo ekipe ak tout enstriman syantifik pou li eksplore sòl planèt yo. Li pati depi Latè 4 out 2007 epi li rive 26 me, 00h54 GMT anlè planèt Mas, nan pòl nò li.
- Lansman li : [1]
Foto misyon eksplorasyon
[modifye | modifye kòd]-
Konpozisyon l
Tèst syantifik yo tap fè sou li nan mwa septanm 2006
lòt wobo yo
Men kote wobo a tap poze, 10 km toupre yon kratè (Heimdall, 10 km)
Premyè foto wobo a voye sou latè, ki ap reprezante sifas li wè
misyon mars pathfinder
yon foto yon wòch mikwoskopik, nan misyon Rover opportunity, ki ap montre prezans ansyen de kèk sous dlo
Kratè victoria, foto misyon Rover opportunity depi Cape Verde, kote wobo a rete ko l; foto an fèt nan 3 semèn (16 oktòb - 6 novanm 2006)
Vale Marineris, li long de 4500km, li laj de 200km
Men pye l
Men anba kò l
Fotografi DVD syantifik yo mete sou wobo an pou misyon nan fiti yo; moun yo ap twouve anndan l tout istwa nou konnen anlè planèt mas
Premyè foto li pran de sifas planèt an
Yon panorama de kote li poze kò l
[modifye | modifye kòd]Lyen deyò
[modifye | modifye kòd]- 3D maps of Mars in NASA World Wind
- Google Mars – Interactive image of Mars
- Flight Into Mariner Valley – NASA/JPL/Arizona State University 3D flythrough of Valles Marineris
- – Mars Rover photos, videos & surface geology
- Guide to Mars – information about Mars and how to observe it.
- Nine Planets Mars page
- On Mars: Exploration of the Red Planet 1958–1978 from the NASA History Office.
- Martian Law – a CATO white paper
- Computer Simulation of a flyby through Mariner Valley
- Mars Unearthed – Comparisons of terrains between Earth and Mars
- Ralph Aeschliman's Online Atlas of Mars
- Geody Mars – World's search engine that supports NASA World Wind, Celestia, and other applications.
- Be on Mars – Anaglyphs from the Mars Rovers (3D)
- NASA/JPL OnMars WMS Server for Mars Data – Work as Google Earth client overlays
- Exploring Mars: Image Center
- Astronomy Cast: Mars
- BBC News update on Mars Express' findings of polar water ice and water-eroded features on the surface
- BBC News Mars pictures reveal frozen sea
- 04/02/07: ESA Prepares for a Human Mission to Mars
- Mars' apparent relative size at opposition as seen by HST
- Mars articles in Planetary Science Research Discoveries