Ede nou soutni yon pwojè diksyonè kreyòl, yon kreyasyon lib : |
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Yo rele tranblemanntè oswa goudougoudou oswa seyism yon fenomèn fizik ki rive lè latè pran tranble. Tranblemanntè se vibrasyon ki pwodui lè wòch yo sou yon fay.[1]
Gen echèl entènasyonal ki ap mezire fòs yon tranblemanntè. Yonn nan echèl sa yo rele echèl valè MMS.

[modifye | modifye kòd]
A) Glisman orizontal,
B) « nòmal »,
C) pouse anwo.
Yon tranblemanntè se yon sekous ki pi oubyen mwens vyolan atè ki ka gen kat (4) orijin :
- kraze yon fay oswa yon segman nan fay (seyis tektonik) ;
- entrizyon ak degazasyon magma (seyis vòlkanik) ;
- « krakman » nan bouchon glasyè ki afekte kwout tè a (seyis polè) ;
- eksplozyon, efondreman nan yon kavite (seyis ki gen orijin natirèl oswa akòz aktivite imèn)
Nan pratik, tranblemanntè yo klase nan kat (4) kategori dapre fenomèn yo ki te pwodui yo :
Seyis tèktonik
[modifye | modifye kòd]Seyis tèktonik yo pi frekan ak pi devastatè. Yon gwo pati nan tranblemanntè tektonik yo fèt nan limit plak yo, kote yon glisman rive ant de (2) anviwònman wòch yo.
Yon lòt pati pran plas sou yon plan frajilite ki deja egziste oswa ki fèk fòme. Glisman sa a, ki chita sou youn oswa plis fay, se bloke pandan peryòd entè-sismik (ant seyis) nan deplasman sismik de (2) blòk ki te separe pa zòn nan nan kraze potansyèl (fay la se alò inaktif), ak enèji akimile nan defòmasyon elastik nan wòch. Enèji sa a ak glisman toudenkou lage pandan tranblemanntè.
Seyis vòlkanik
[modifye | modifye kòd]Seyis ki gen orijin vòlkanik dekoule akimilasyon magma nan chanm magmatik yon vòlkan. Sismograf anrejistre alò anpil mikwo-seyis (tremò) akò kraze nan wòch konprime ou nan degazaj magma. Ogmantasyon gradyèl ipokantre yo (lye a monte nan magma a) se yon endikasyon ke vòlkan an se nan faz revèy e ke yon eripsyon iminan.
Seyis orijin polè
[modifye | modifye kòd]Glasye ak kouvèti glas gen kèk elastisite.
Gade ositou
[modifye | modifye kòd]Pou ka konnen plis
[modifye | modifye kòd]Edikasyon
[modifye | modifye kòd]- How to survive an earthquake - Guide for children and youth
- Guide to earthquakes and plate tectonics
- Earthquakes — an educational booklet by Kaye M. Shedlock & Louis C. Pakiser
- The Severity of an Earthquake
- USGS Earthquake FAQs
- IRIS Seismic Monitor - maps all earthquakes in the past five years.
- Latest Earthquakes in the World - maps all earthquakes in the past week.
- Earthquake Information from the Deep Ocean Exploration Institute, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
- Geo.Mtu.Edu — How to locate an earthquake's epicenter
- Photos/images of historic earthquakes
- Answers to FAQs about Earthquakes and Earthquake Preparedness
- Interactive guide: Earthquakes - an educational presentation by Guardian Unlimited
- Geowall — an educational 3D presentation system for looking at and understanding earthquake data
- Virtual Earthquake - educational site explaining how epicenters are located and magnitude is determined
- CBC Digital Archives — Canada's Earthquakes and Tsunamis
- Earthquakes Educational Resources - dmoz
- USGS: Earthquakes for Kids
Sant pou done sismik yo
[modifye | modifye kòd]Ewòp
[modifye | modifye kòd]- International Seismological Centre (ISC)
- European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre (EMSC)
- Global Seismic Monitor at GFZ Potsdam
- Global Earthquake Report – chart
- Earthquakes in Iceland during the last 48 hours
- Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV), Italy
- Database of Individual Seismogenic Sources (DISS), Central Mediterranean
- Portuguese Meteorological Institute (Seismic activity during the last month)
[modifye | modifye kòd]- Earthquake Information of Japan, Japan Meteorological Agency
- International Institute of Seismology and Earthquake Engineering (IISEE)
- Building Research Institute
- Database for the damage of world earthquake, ancient period (3000 BC) to year of 2006- Building Research Institute (Japan) (建築研究所) in Japanese
- Seismic activity in last 7 days - Weathernews Inc., indicated with circled shindo (震度)) scale and its location.
Nouvèl Zelann
[modifye | modifye kòd]Etazini
[modifye | modifye kòd]- The U.S. National Earthquake Information Center
- Southern California Earthquake Data Center
- The Southern California Earthquake Center (SCEC)
- Broadband Seismic Data Collection Center, San Diego, California (ANZA network)
- Putting Down Roots in Earthquake Country An Earthquake Science and Preparedness Handbook produced by SCEC
- Recent earthquakes in California and Nevada
- Seismograms for recent earthquakes via REV, the Rapid Earthquake Viewer
- Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology (IRIS), earthquake database and software
- IRIS Seismic Monitor - world map of recent earthquakes
- SeismoArchives - seismogram archives of significant earthquakes of the world
Echèl sismik yo
[modifye | modifye kòd]Enfòmasyon syantifik
[modifye | modifye kòd]- « Earthquake Magnitudes and the Gutenberg-Richter Law ». SimScience. Retrieved 2006-08-14.
- Hiroo Kanamori, Emily E. Brodsky (2001). « The Science of Earthquakes ». Physics Today 54 (6): 34. doi:10.1063/1.1387590.
Lòt bagay pou gade
[modifye | modifye kòd]- Reports on China Sichuan earthquake 12/05/2008
- Kashmir Relief & Development Foundation (KRDF)
- PBS NewsHour - Predicting Earthquakes
- USGS – Largest earthquakes in the world since 1900
- The Destruction of Earthquakes - a list of the worst earthquakes ever recorded
- Los Angeles Earthquakes plotted on a Google map
- the EM-DAT International Disaster Database
- Earthquake Newspaper Articles Archive
- official PETSAAF system which relies on strange or atypical animal behavior to predict earthquakes.
- A series of earthquakes in southern Italy - 23 November 1980, Gesualdo
- Recent Quakes WorldWide
- Real-time earthquakes on Google Map, Australia and rest of the world
- Earthquake Information - detailed statistics and integrated with Google Maps and Google Earth
- Kharita - INGV portal for Digital Cartography - Last earthquakes recorded by INGV Italian Network (with Google Maps)
- Kharita - INGV portal for Digital Cartography - Italian Seismicity by region 1981-2006 (with Google Maps)
- Interactive world map, showing recent earthquakes (day/week/month) – Quake-Catcher Network, BOINC
[modifye | modifye kòd]- ↑ « Kopi achiv » (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 2011-07-28. Retrieved 2010-06-08.