OLPC se yon sig ki vle di One Laptop Per Child, yon laptòp (òdinatè) pou chak timoun.
Pwojè sa ap distribiye òdinatè nan enstitisyon, lekòl, nan peyi ki pa genyen anpil bidjè tankou Ayiti.

Moun ki nan pwojè sa
[modifye | modifye kòd]Peyi ki patisipe
[modifye | modifye kòd]Objektif yo
[modifye | modifye kòd]Ki sa li genyen andidan l
[modifye | modifye kòd]- Yon pwosesè (CPU) ki ap monte 500 MHz
- Kèk Memwa RAM : 128Mo
- Yon flach disk :
Kèk imaj sou li
[modifye | modifye kòd]XO: machin Beta 1
[modifye | modifye kòd]-
One Laptop per Child (OLPC): XO-Beta1
One Laptop per Child (OLPC): XO-Beta1
One Laptop per Child (OLPC): XO-Beta1
One Laptop per Child (OLPC): XO-Beta1
One Laptop per Child (OLPC): functional survey
Close-up view display: lower right corner.
Close-up view keyboard - thai language: "view source key" - upper right corner -
One Laptop per Child (OLPC): XO-Beta2 - keyboard -
One Laptop per Child (OLPC): backside
Battery pack: Demonstration how to insert battery pack.
XO: 4èm jenerasyon
[modifye | modifye kòd]-
One Laptop per Child (OLPC): concept picture - green machine -4th generation
One Laptop per Child (OLPC): concept picture - green machine - 4th generation
One Laptop per Child (OLPC): XO in Color
One Laptop per Child (OLPC): XO in Color
XO: 3èm jenerasyon
[modifye | modifye kòd]-
One Laptop per Child (OLPC): concept picture - red machine - third development prototype
One Laptop per Child (OLPC): concept picture - red machine - third development prototype
One Laptop per Child (OLPC): concept picture - red machine - third development prototype
One Laptop per Child (OLPC): concept picture - red machine - third development prototype
XO: 2èm jenerasyon/ Premye jenerasyon
[modifye | modifye kòd]-
One Laptop per Child (OLPC): concept picture - crank machine - second development prototype
One Laptop per Child (OLPC): concept picture - crank machine - Ebook mode
One Laptop per Child (OLPC): concept picture - first development prototype
One Laptop per Child (OLPC): concept picture - first development prototype
XO: Lojisyèl
[modifye | modifye kòd]"Sugar"
[modifye | modifye kòd]-
One Laptop per Child (OLPC): GUI "Sugar": mesh network - network view
One Laptop per Child (OLPC): GUI "Sugar": mesh network - friends view, 01.11.2006
One Laptop per Child (OLPC): GUI "Sugar": home view
One Laptop per Child (OLPC): GUI "Sugar": zoom levels, 11/06
[modifye | modifye kòd]-
One Laptop per Child (OLPC): application: screenshot of upcoming TamTam, 04.12.2006
EToys on OLPC-dual mode display
Abiword on OLPC - inside GUI "Sugar"
[modifye | modifye kòd]-
Comparison to laptop LCD (one square millimeter of each)
XO:Sòti pou Beta 1
[modifye | modifye kòd]-
One Laptop per Child (OLPC): First Shipment of OLPCs
One Laptop per Child (OLPC): Five OLPCs in a shipping box
One Laptop per Child (OLPC): First Shipment of OLPCs
One Laptop per Child (OLPC): First Shipment of OLPCs
XO dewò, nan mitan moun
[modifye | modifye kòd]-
One Laptop per Child (OLPC): brasilian president Lula da Silva with Beta1 machine
One Laptop per Child (OLPC): Jepsen, Kay, Negroponte, unveiling the $100 laptop.
One Laptop per Child (OLPC): Project in development stage: Children in Kambodia, testing regular laptops in school and every day life, 2002
Laptop passed around the audience at the Access to Knowledge 2 conference, April 2007
OLPC project in Nigeria: Students in a primary school in Galadima, Nigeria, using XO laptops in class, June 2007
OLPC project in Thailand: Students in Ban Samkha, Thailand taking photos on a school excursion, May 2007
Lyen pou konnen plis
[modifye | modifye kòd]- Paj OLPC an nan Kreyòl ayisyen
- https://web.archive.org/web/20061227015438/http://www.olpcnews.com/
- http://wiki.laptop.org/
- OLPC Home Page
- OLPC's "Give One. Get One." Program (US & Canada)
- OLPC Wiki
- Give OLPC Raises money for OLPC when users participate in trivia
- Planet OLPC
- OLPC.TV videos of the OLPC
- Red Hat's OLPC page
- Annan presents prototype $100 laptop at World Summit on Information Society (MIT press release)
- Negroponte's keynote at TED
- Related projects
- Imara Project (similar but unrelated) at MIT CSAIL
- 50×15
- Similar projects
- News articles (by date)
- "Laptop With a Mission Widens Its Audience", New York Times, October 4, 2007
- "Yves Behar and the $100 laptop", Men's Vogue
- "Potenco", Digital Commons July 3 2007
- “GDC: SJ Klein Asks For Serious OLPC Content”, Gamasutra, March 6, 2007
- “Politics: Microfinance launches One Laptop Per Child project”, Wanabehuman, January 8, 2007
- “Response to Techdirt criticism of Children's Machine”, Moving to Freedom, January 2, 2007
- “Pakistani students might be using $100 laptop next year”, DhartiPakistan , November 30, 2006
- “The Laptop Crusade”, by Douglas McGray Wired Magazine, August, 2006
- “Negroponte: Laptop for Every Kid”, Wired News, November 17, 2005
- “UN debut for $100 laptop for poor", BBC News, November 17, 2005
- “$100 Laptop moves closer to reality”, Wall Street Journal, November 14, 2005
- “$100 Laptop Effort Gains Momentum”, PC Magazine, September 29, 2005
- “One laptop per child", Laptopical, July 2, 2005
- "Can the $100 Laptop Change the World?" - Nicholas Negroponte speaks freely on the ambitious One Laptop Per Child Project., LAPTOP, April 29, 2007
- "Politics 'stifling $100 laptop'", BBC, November 27, 2007
- Media (by date)
- "Sizing Up a $100 Laptop" on NPR's Morning Edition, October 8, 2007
- Jim Gettys's presentation recorded at FOSDEM 2007 about OLPC
- 60 minutes interview, One Laptop Per Child. CBS, May 2007
- Keynote at NetEvents, Hong Kong, Nicholas Negroponte: One Laptop per Child December 2006
- - Negroponte's Interview talking about OLPC project and Intel 11/23/2006 in Argentina (English and Spanish audio)
- TEDTalks: Nicholas Negroponte (Recorded February 2006 in Monterey, CA. Duration: 18:21)
- Interview with Nicholas Negroponte - Videostream
- Negroponte discusses One Laptop Per Child (MP3), South China Morning Post, December 6, 2005
- a video interview with Mary Lou Jepsen on November 17 2005 at the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) in Tunis
- Nicholas Negropontes' talk (MP3) at the Technology Review's Fifth Annual Emerging Technologies Conference in September 2005