Langston Hughes
James Langston Hugues
Nesans |
Joplin, Missouri |
Lanmò |
(ak 65 ane) Nouyòk |
Nasyonalite | Ameriken |
Peyi nesans | Etazini |
Langston Hughes, ki fèt sou 1e fevriye 1902 epi ki mouri sou 22 me 1967}}) se yon powèt, ekriven, dramaturge et éditorialiste ameriken.
Nonmen li se akòz gwo pati nan patisipasyon li nan mouvman kiltirèl yo souvan ke yo rekonèt kòm Harlem Renesans ki t'ap tranble anba pye [Harlem]] nan zane 1920. Gen kèk nan travay li yo te pibliye an Frans.
[modifye | modifye kòd]- Dat enpòtan yo
Zèv li yo
[modifye | modifye kòd]Rekey pwezi
[modifye | modifye kòd]- 1926 : The Weary Blues. Knopf
- 1927 : Fine Clothes to the Jew. Knopf
- 1931 : The Negro Mother and Other Dramatic Recitations
- 1931 : Dear Lovely Death
- 1932 : The Dream Keeper and Other Poems. Knopf
- 1932 : Scottsboro Limited: Four Poems and a Play. N.Y.: Golden Stair Press
- 1935 : Let America be America Again
- 1942 : Shakespeare in Harlem. Knopf
- 1943 : Freedom's Plow
- 1947 : Fields of Wonder. Knopf
- 1949 : One-Way Ticket
- 1951 : Montage of a Dream Deferred. Holt
- 1959 : Selected Poems of Langston Hughes. Knopf
- 1961 : Ask Your Mama. Hill & Wang
- 1967 : The Panther and the Lash: Poems of Our Times
- 1994 : The Collected Poems of Langston Hughes. Knopf
Woman ak rekey nouvèl
[modifye | modifye kòd]- 1930 : Not Without Laughter, Knopf.
- 1932 : Popo and Fifina, avèk Arna Bontemps.
- 1934 : The Ways of White Folks. Knopf. Pibliye nan Frans avèk tit Histoires de Blancs, Pari, Minuit; Pari, Complexe, 1990, tradwi pa Hélène Bokanowski.
- 1950 : Simple Speaks His Mind.
- 1952 : Laughing to Keep from Crying, Holt.
- 1953 : Simple Takes a Wife.
- 1955 : Sweet Flypaper of Life, fotografye pa Roy DeCarava.
- 1957 : Simple Stakes a Claim.
- 1961 : The Best of Simple. Pibliye nan Frans avèk tit L'Ingénu de Harlem, Pari, Robert Laffont, 1967; Paris, La Découverte.
- 1963 : Something in Common and Other Stories. Hill & Wang.
- 1965 : Simple's Uncle Sam.
- 1996 : Short Stories of Langston Hughes. Hill & Wang.
Òt liv
[modifye | modifye kòd]
- 1940 : The Big Sea, New York, Alfred A. Knopf. Pibliye nan Frans nan lane 1947 avèk tit Les Grandes Profondeurs, Paris, Seghers.
- 1954 : Famous American Negroes. Pibliye nan Frans nan lane 1954 avèk tit Portraits de Noirs américains : le dur chemin de la gloire, Pari, Nouveaux horizons, tradiksyon Jeanne de Recqueville.
- 1956 : I Wonder as I Wander. Nouyòk, Rinehart & Co.
- 1956 : A Pictorial History of the Negro in America, avèk Milton Meltzer.
- 1958 : Famous Negro Heroes of America.
- 1962 : Fight for Freedom : The Story of the NAACP.
Pyès teyat prensipal
[modifye | modifye kòd]- 1931 : Mule Bone, avèk Zora Neale Hurston
- 1935 : Mulatto (daprè nouvèl li Father and son. Rele The Barrier nan lane 1950). Radyodifize nan Frans nan lane 1957 avèk tit : Le Mulâtre[1]
- 1936 : Troubled Island, avèk William Grant Still
- 1936 : Little Ham
- 1936 : Emperor of Haiti
- 1938 : Don't You Want to be Free
- 1947 : Street Scene, contributed lyrics
- 1957 : Simply Heavenly
- 1961 : Black Nativity
- 1963 : Five Plays by Langston Hughes. Bloomington: Indiana University Press
- 1964 : Jericho-Jim Crow
[modifye | modifye kòd]- ↑ Notice kod BnF FRBNF40892741
Lyen deyò
[modifye | modifye kòd]- Publishing during the Harlem Renaissance atik ekri pa Cécile Cottenet sou La Clé des langues