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Diskite:Philippe Dodard

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Atik Philippe Dodard sa a an devlòpman. Li bezwen tradui, diskite sou li sou paj diskisyon li a

Philippe Dodard was born in 1954 in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. He studied at the Poto-Mitan Art School and then entered the Academy of Fine Arts. In 1974, he worked as a layout artist in an advertising agency, met with Frantz Ewald, and founded a studio of audiovisual graphic art.

In 1975, Dodard was awarded first prizes for a poster on the handicapped and a poster for the Haitian Art Festival. He worked as an advertising illustrator for the Haitian newspaper Le Nouvelliste. In 1978, he received a scholarship to the International School in Bordeaux, enabling him to specialize in pedagogic drawing. In 1982, he designed a stained glass window for the Methodist church of Bird College. Two years later he received a scholarship from the Rotary International Foundation and left on tour the Group Study Exchange of Haiti to give conferences on Haitian culture. Between 1971 and now, Dodard exhibited in Haiti, Surinam , Brazil, France and the United States namely Galerie d'Art Nader in Coral Gables, Florida.

Dodard's work as a graphic artist undoubtedly explains the angular aspect of the subjects he fits into a space without perspective. As an international renowned Haitian painter his name and art are mentioned is all major Haitian art books namely “ La Peinture Haitienne” by Marie-Jose Nadal & Gerald Bloncourt;” La Rencontre des 2 Mondes” by Jean-Marie Drot; “Haiti et Ses Peintres” by Michel Philippe Lerebours; and “Peintres Haitiens” by Gerald Alexis.

His art is well appreciated among art collectors and lovers all over the world.